Former Broke Architect Scales a 6-Figure Online Business To 8-Figures in 14 months and Generates Over 20 Million naira In Pure Profits Selling Products On the Internet
This 8-Figure Business Coach reveals the sales-boosting system used by Top Internet Marketers and business owners to make record-breaking sales in less than 90 mins.
With this Secret Marketing System, You can Convert 15%-30% of Your Leads To Buyers in under 90 minutes.
And If you're wondering what this system is and how to use it, then stick around because…
This Top Internet Marketer also Shows you This Game-Changing System and How You Can Use It To Sell Like Crazy and Scale Your Business To 8 figures.

I slammed my laptop shut in frustration feeling defeated as all my efforts were wasted.
I was banging my head against a wall, working tirelessly for months, but my sales just wouldn't increase.
Sure, I was making good money, but I wasn't growing - my business remained stubbornly stuck at 6 figures.
I tried everything I could think of - more ads, more messages, continuous posting on social media…
But it was like pouring water into a basket.
Quitting my job to start internet marketing in 2021…
I planned to own a business that would make me more money than I could ever get sitting at a desk working 9-5.
I wanted a business that could pay for my trips to different parts of the world…
And give me the time and freedom to live life on my terms.
But I needed my business to hit 8-figures for this dream to become a reality.
Yet here I was struggling to keep up with my clients, with barely enough time for myself, and progressing at a snail's pace.
It was foolish to continue doing what was clearly not working for me.
So I finally decided to seek a new approach to help me grow my business quickly and easily.
And that's when I finally found…
The Game-Changing Marketing System that Can Help You Scale Your Business To 8 Figures Making Far More Sales By Spending Far Less Time Converting Your Leads To Buyers
Even global marketing experts like Russel Brunson have used this same system to build billion-dollar companies from scratch.
Top Internet Marketing Experts Like Ronald Nzimora, Sam Harvard, and Toyin Omotoso have used this same system to build several 8 & 9-figure businesses.
By using this Sales-Boosting System, I broke past the 6-figure barrier, scaled my business to 8-figures, and Generated over 20 Million in pure profits as an Internet Marketer

But you might be wondering…
"Can this system also work for you and your business?"
Well, the answer is a resounding YES.
This system is specifically designed to boost your business if you are a…
And in the next few minutes,
I am going to show you how to ethically steal this system and scale your business to 7/8 figures.
Even If….
I will show you how to make this system work for your business so you can…
And if you stick with me to the end
I'll give you the secrets 5 Top Internet Marketers are actively using to generate 8-Figures yearly on the internet using this system…
And how you can combine them with this system to pump up your sales in your business.

I'm Margaret Ododo, an 8-figure online entrepreneur with a passion for travel and adventure.
I've coached over 500 satisfied students, helping them achieve financial success and freedom through my proven marketing strategies and systems.
As a successful business owner myself, I've made over $25,000 in profits selling digital products and scaled my business to 8-figures in just 14 months.
But like you already know, I didn't start out this way …
You see, back in 2021 when I was tired of struggling as a broke architect and living from hand to mouth…
My only option was to search for greener pastures outside my job and that's how I got into this internet marketing space…
After struggling to move from 0 to 1 - building a business from scratch to 6 figures.
A few months down the line I got stuck trying to scale…
And I realized moving from 1-100 - 6 to 7 figures and above - was a whole new ball game.
Like most business owners I thought…
"I just have to get more traffic, send a couple more messages and post a lot more right?"
I was dead wrong.
And here's why this doesn't work…
Let's say you're selling a product for a ₦20k profit
You spend ₦100k to get 1000 leads
Out of 1000 leads, you get 10 sales making you ₦200k
Now you double your ads spend hoping to make more sales and scale your business.
This time, You spend ₦200k to get 2000 leads
Out of 2000 leads, you get 17 sales making you ₦340k
Not bad right??
Yes, that's what it looks like at first…
But when you take a closer look at the numbers…
You notice, in the beginning, you only spent ₦100k to make ₦200k
But when you doubled your ad spend…
For each ₦100k spent you only made ₦170k.
Basically, you're Spending More and Making Less
And since I had a good traffic source and a solid offer that meant only one thing…
I had a Conversion Problem.
And I found it to be true because when I doubled my leads…
Being into WhatsApp marketing…
Dealing with clients one on one was one of my struggles and this made me unable to give adequate attention to all my leads…
Ultimately costing me sales and reducing my conversions.
Obviously, continuing like this will only produce worse results with time.
When you have a conversion problem not only do you spend more and make less…
You also lose sales to your competitors who are better at converting their leads to customers
Making you feel frustrated and demotivated that your business is stagnant…
Thinking you're just wasting your time and effort trying to scale.
I knew I had to find a better way to attend to my leads and also increase my conversions.
The solution?
I discovered the One-To-Many Marketing System called…
The Exact System Top 1% Internet Marketers use to 10X, 20X their sales and get 300%, 400%, and 500% Return On Ad Spends
You see, a webinar is a simple video meeting you can organize for your potential customers to get a lot of them to buy from you in 90 mins or less and boost your conversions.
And by plugging webinars into your business….
Imagine the incredible feeling of interacting with a bunch of people who you've never met before and having them immediately buy from you.
Awesome right?
I can understand if you're finding that hard to believe.
But, do you remember when you walked into a store for the first time, simply because they had what you were looking for?
You walked up to the owner to ask him more about the product you wanted.
Then he started talking to you, and answering your questions…
And as this goes on, you begin to know the kind of person he is…
By the time you discover you like his attitude towards you and the attention he's giving you…
You begin to feel you can trust him enough to take his word about the product.
So you hand him your money and return home with your product feeling satisfied and happy with your purchase.
And as you can see, it didn't even take you up to 5 mins to hand over your money to a total stranger to get what you want…
Because the store owner was able to get you to know him like him and trust what he says in that short period.
This is exactly how webinars work to make you significant sales from people you've never met before…
I know you're probably thinking
"But that only took 5 minutes"
So you're probably wondering…
"Who would spend up to 90 minutes watching a webinar just because they want to buy something?"
And the answer is Nobody…
But that's only if your webinar is boring and you don't give your leads anything to look forward to.
If I turned on your favorite show for you right now…
You'll agree with me that you would gladly spend time watching each one without bothering about the time…
Because it has captured your attention and you're now interested in finding out "what happens next".
When you add this element of curiosity into a webinar and hook the attention of your leads giving them something to look forward to…
You would see people gladly spend up to 2 hours watching a webinar, even if it's simply to satisfy their curiosity.
And guess what?
In a few moments, I'll show you a proven framework to set up a high-converting webinar that hooks the attention of your audience even if you have ZERO Experience creating webinars.
But first,
Let me show you how webinars work to solve your conversion problem to help you scale up your business.
Compared to when you make 10 sales from every 1000 leads that join your list which is basically a 1% conversion rate…
When you put these same 1000 leads on a webinar - people who have never met you before - and even if you can only get 300 of them to stay until the end…
In under 90 minutes using a high-converting webinar script you can close 30 sales out of the remaining 300 people and that's just a 10% conversion.
Don't believe me?
Top Direct Response Marketer and Copywriter Walter Enyinnaya one of the Top 5 Internet Marketing Experts whose secret to making a minimum of 8-figures yearly with webinars I'll be sharing with you in a few minutes…
Spent just 20 minutes on a webinar and hit a 10% conversion rate making double his ad spend back - meaning every other sale that came after was just pure profits.

And if you think 10% is amazing…
Then you probably should know once you master creating a high-converting webinar, script, and offer
You can even get conversions as high as 15-30% - that's between 150-300 sales from every 1000 people who get on your Webinar.
Since he started using webinars, Top Internet Marketing Expert Toyin Omotoso says he's never had a conversion below 18% - that's at least 180 sales from every 1000 persons who got on his webinar

My good friend and Top Internet Affiliate Marketer Chigozie Mmebo hit a 31% conversion using webinars

And When I plugged webinars into my business….
I went from struggling with low sales like this...

To making 150k in 1 day

Then making 264k in 1 week

And as I got better at webinars, my sales and profits started increasing

And then I began to do over Half a Million in every week

Recently hitting a new milestone of 7-figures in a week

Making massive sales consistently like this also gave me the money, freedom and opportunity to travel around the world.
From going on a Vacation in Dubai

To meeting with Top Marketing Expert Toyin Omotoso - Founder of Expertnaire in Seychelles

Getting the chance to meet with my billionaire mentor and marketing expert Ronald Nzimora

And taking a beautiful tour around the city of Kigali in Rwanda

And the best part is…
You can also plug webinars into your business right now and start making crazy sales…
Just like Anya who was struggling to pull past 5-figures when she started her internet marketing business
But after plugging this system into her business…
She can now make half a million a week

She has broken the 6-figure barrier and is currently a 7-figure internet marketer, fast approaching 8-figures already at 4.5M in profit

Or like Henry who tried a webinar for the first time and made 7 sales despite having zero experience and only 10 people showing up.

So you see, it's very easy for you to get a flood of sales and get great conversions with just one webinar.
But just like Top Marketing Expert Ronald Nzimorah who sells both digital and physical products with webinars says…

Simply knowing about webinars is not enough to help you make it work and scale your business to 8-figures.
You need to know how to make it work to avoid wasting resources going about it the wrong way when trying to scale your business to 8-figures.
That's why I came up with a proven framework any business owner can use to grow their internet marketing business to 8 figures using webinars.
A framework designed to show you how to…
Even though this framework had worked for me, I needed a way to make sure it would work for any business out there.
So to test this out…
I set up a 5-Day Webinar series where I shared my proven framework alongside the secrets of 5 Top Internet Marketing Experts to business owners struggling to grow their businesses.
Take a look at the results these business owners got within a week of trying out this Proven framework
Stella ran a webinar and in just 2 hrs made 441k from selling out 21 slots for a 21k offer

Stella was able to find out live webinars worked best for her business

And She was so grateful at how much she had been able to transform her business with webinars in such a short time that she sent this message

Abubakar was so glad to be able to use Webinars to create more free time for himself and escape the stress of DM Marketing

Reuben who struggled to get people on his webinar to the end, had 122 people join his webinar, they all stayed to the end and he made 4 sales

This formula worked so well for Joshua that he was already raking in sales before his webinar started (and I'll show you how you can do it too in the next few minutes)

Seeing how this proven framework had transformed their businesses through Webinars…
I was sure I had found…
The True Secret To Making Massive Sales and Successfully Scale Any Business On The Internet - The Smart Way.
In addition to giving you this proven framework and the secrets 5 Top Internet Marketers currently use to rake in sales in webinars…
I recorded step-by-step videos with practical exercises where I walk you through each stage of creating a successful webinar…
To ensure you don't make any mistakes and you are guaranteed to make massive sales from launching your first webinar.
As long as you've got a solid offer and are constantly sending traffic to your list…
I'm going to show you how to make your life as a business owner so much easier just by plugging webinars into your Marketing.
Imagine waking up to multiple credit alerts each day…
Making predictable and consistent sales from webinars
Without the stress of dealing with clients one on one in their DMs.
Without having to wait for weeks for them wishing they will eventually buy.
Feeling completely stress-free as your frustrations of trying to grow your business have finally melted away
Finally having the freedom and time to focus on yourself and enjoy wonderful moments bonding with your family.
As you smoothly and comfortably elevate your business to 8 figures.
Now, if this sounds like what you want, I would like to help you achieve this with the…
A comprehensive step-by-step course designed to give you "The Super Rich Webinar'' Framework which shows you the A-Z of creating webinars that convert viewers into buyers, immediately

With this framework, you can set up and run a successful webinar to make massive sales in the shortest possible time…
Even if…
I divided this course into 4 easy sections to teach you everything you need to learn to take you from Novice To Expert running Webinars in your business.
Here's what you're going to be learning:
In this section I'll be showing you the basics when it comes to Webinars, guiding you on…
Everything I'll be showing you in this section has a Total Value of N70,000
Here we dig into the meat of webinars and how to create captivating content to increase your conversions.
I'll be showing you…
Everything I'll be showing you in this section has a Total Value of N40,000
Here I teach you how to flow perfectly during webinars to increase your conversions
Everything I'll be showing you in this section has a Total Value of N20,000
If you get everything right up to this point and fail to close these leads, all your efforts to this point would be wasted.
This is why I take special time here to teach you about closing, sharing with you…
Everything I'll be showing you in this section has a Total Value of N50,000
Get these right and that remaining 20% is yours for the taking.
From these 4 sections, you're getting information with a Total Value of N230,000
With the information and practical exercises, you're getting in these 4 sections…
You can wake up any time of the day and create a high-converting webinar and close 15-30% of your leads.
You're also going to be getting…
Full access to our SELL-LIKE-CRAZY helping group where you'll find Top Online Entrepreneurs and Business owners like you sharing ideas, asking questions, and helping each other grow. New updates will also be revealed here. (Value: Priceless)
Free Access To Your 3-month implementation challenge!!
During this challenge, you get to follow along as we create a brand-new webinar and put it to work producing sales. All practical, no theory.
Send me a link showing your complete implementation of the course with RESULTS obtained and stand a chance to win a SALES BOOSTER at no extra cost. (Value 10,000)
But I didn't stop there…
Because I want to help you get the best out of webinars and make massive sales.
I have included 6 Amazing Bonuses!
In Bonus number 7 I show you the secrets of the 5 Top Internet Marketers currently making 8 figures marketing with webinars yearly.
But first, Take a look at these bonuses and how they can help you...
Pre-record and rake in sales (Value N20,000)
Constantly holding live webinars can be draining sometimes.
This is why I'll show you the Skills to pre-record webinars that maintain the BUZZ of a live webinar and make customers feel like you're there…
So you can put your webinars on autopilot, and make crazy sales, without getting burnt out.
Setting Up Your First Webinar Easily on a platform Streamyard
(Value N5, 000)
Here I walk you through how to easily navigate and set up live pre-recorded webinars even if you have zero technical skills.
DIY youtube banner Video Guide (Value N3,000)
A short video guide showing you how to create YouTube banners for your videos with Canva in as little as 10-15 mins that attract and gather eyeballs to your advertisement in record time.
Webinar Slides & Scripts (Value N30,000)
Here I'll show you the 3 elements you need to create a high-converting webinar script…
A free and easy way to create customized webinar scripts for your business…
And the dos and don'ts when it comes to the webinar that could drastically increase or reduce your conversions.
5 Sales Techniques To Get High Conversions and Hit Your Sales Target in Webinars Even as a Novice (Value N35,000)
Do you have any Sales Targets to hit?
You don't need to be a Sales Pro to get results with webinars.
I will show you exactly how to hit those targets using webinars no matter what the goal is.
It will be done using these 5 Market Tested Sales Techniques and proprietary sales goal-hitting system.
Tips To Running a Successful Webinar (Value N30,000)
Do you have any Sales Targets to hit?
You don't need to be a Sales Pro to get results with webinars.
I will show you exactly how to hit those targets using webinars no matter what the goal is.
It will be done using these 5 Market Tested Sales Techniques and proprietary sales goal-hitting system.
Bringing the Total Value of these 6 Amazing Bonuses to N133,000
When you combine the total value of these Bonuses which is N133,000 to the total value of the course which is N230,000
You can already see the total value of what you're getting by grabbing the SELL LIKE Crazy With Webinar Course is already worth over N363,000
But don't worry …
You're not even going to be paying half of that which is N180,000
Because I want to make it affordable for you as a business owner currently trying to scale your business to 8 figures…
I have priced this course at the low price of just N65,000
But here's the thing…
I also want to make it easy for you to get in so I can get your testimonials…
Yes, I know that may sound selfish, but helping you get results so I can showcase your testimonials…
Will also help me show other business owners like you how easy it is to scale up their businesses and break past their current income levels with webinars
And this is why I will be opening doors to the Sell Like Crazy With Webinar Course for the unbelievably low price of N40,000 ONLY for the first 100 persons
Click the button below to claim a spot among the first 100 persons and gain access for the ultra-low price of just N40,000
And if you are among the first 50 people to grab this offer…
Remember, earlier I promised to show you…
The Secrets used by 5 Top Internet Marketing Experts to make a combined hundred of millions of naira in sales every month using webinars.
If you tried to consult each of them separately, it would cost you more than 10 times what you're paying for this course…
So in fulfillment of that promise, I have packaged these secrets into a Fast-Action Super Bonus for the first 50 persons to grab the Crazy Webinar Course Now.
Here's a peek at some of the secrets you're getting…

One hour With Top Online Marketing Coach Emelda Chisom
Here she reveals an Easy Way To Set-up a High Converting Webinar Funnel on WhatsApp To Increase the number of people who attend your webinars.
(Total Value N50,000)

One hour With Top Internet Marketing Expert Ruth Ozioma
Here she reveals …
The right amount of time to keep your leads waiting before the webinar.
Fast and Easy Way To Set-up high converting webinar slides for any product without any technical Know-how.
How To set up your webinar funnel (The right way to Set up a webinar funnel for massive turnout and crazy conversions)
(Total Value N50,000)

One hour With Top Direct Response Marketer and Copywriter Walter Enyinnaya
Here he reveals…
How To Use Scarcity on a Webinar ( The Most Powerful Element You Need in a Webinar To Make the Most Sales) to trigger a bandwagon effect that will have you making sales 3-5 days after the webinar
(Total Value N50,000)

One hour With Top Internet Marketer Anya Ogbe
Here she reveals…
How To use your testimonials on webinars and how you can also leverage other people's testimonials during and after a webinar to get high conversions.
(Total Value N50,000)

One hour With Top Internet Marketer Jacob Kasiemobi
Here he discusses…
The Importance of a lead magnet and Qualities of good lead magnets.
WhatsApp DM Vs Webinars (pros & cons)
And gives A live demo on creating webinars.
(Total Value N50,000)
5 Closed Door Sections on secrets to set up and run high-converting webinars with 15-30% conversions worth N250,000
You're getting access to this FAST-ACTION SUPER BONUS with a combined value of N250,000 completely FREE
Remember I also said, I want your testimonials…
To ensure you get the best results in the shortest possible time…
I have set up the DFY Webinar Promo to help you Fast Track your journey to 8 figures.
Done For You Webinar Promo
Here My Team and I will do all the heavy lifting and set up a complete High Converting Webinar for you from scratch to finish.
This will help save you time and all you will need to do is PLUG-N-PLAY to see results.
Combine this with the high-converting scripts and templates you're getting and watch your income easily gain a few extra zeros.
Now, even though I would love to do this for everyone, my team and I can only do this for a maximum of 15 people.
Remember, this will be done at no extra cost to you and Completely FREE,
So if you want to be among the first 15 persons who aside from getting access to…
The Sell Like Crazy with Webinar Course and the Complete 7 Action Bonuses for the low discount price of N40,000…
Will also have my team and I build a High Converting Webinar for them completely free…
Click on the link below to find out if you're among the first 15 people eligible for the promo to claim a free DFY Webinar.
Right now, you can choose to quickly scale your business to 8 figures by taking advantage of everything you're going to be getting in this Course Today….
Or You can walk away now and continue business as usual…
Then a couple of months along the line you realize how hard it is to break past your current level by doing the same things you've done up to this point.
Then the pain of regret for having passed up such a golden opportunity will start to kick in.
How do I know?
Because I've been there, I've also been stuck at that level…
Where you feel frustrated, unmotivated, and depressed…
Because your business seems to be moving at a snail's pace and nothing you try seems to make a difference.
The good news is when you realize this…
Even though you may have wasted time and the early-bird bonuses will be gone…
You can still decide to come back and grab this opportunity but at the price of N65,000
But why? Why should I increase the price…
Remember N40,000 is just the pre-launch price available ONLY to the first 100 persons and another reason is as far as I'm concerned this course is not completed yet.
Let me explain…
With your feedback and that of thousands of business owners like you who will be getting access to these secrets.
I will keep updating the course, to help improve your results which will in turn make it easier for you to grow your business from 7 to 8 and even 9 figures.
So you see, even at N65,000 you'll agree with me it's still going to be a STEAL.
But you can choose to save time and avoid the frustration of trial and error by locking in lifetime access to the SELL LIKE Crazy Webinars Course Today.
Here's a quick reminder of exactly what you're going to be getting…
4 Easy sections to teach you everything you need to learn to take you from Novice To Expert running Webinars in your business (Total Value of N230,000)
Sell Like Crazy Webinars Course
To guarantee high conversion after the webinar you'll also be getting access to…
You'll also be getting access to these 6 Amazing Bonuses worth N123,000 Completely Free…
️Where you'll get a FREE Ticket to 5 Closed Door Sections on secrets to set up and run high-converting webinars with 15-30% conversions Worth N250,000 (Limited to the first 50 persons)
Done For You Webinar Promo:️
Where My Team and I will set up a complete High Converting Webinar for you from scratch to finish. (Limited to the first 15 persons)
And you still get access to future updates at NO EXTRA COST just by clicking the button below to fast-track your journey to building an 8 figures business.
(Total Value N623,000)
By plugging webinars into her business Stella broke past the 7 figure barrier and made 2.7 million naira , now aiming for 8 figures.
From struggling to even sell products of 10k, by plugging webinars into his business, he can now easily sell products of 40k ,50k and even higher.
What top Experts are saying about me

Walter Eyinnaya
Maggie is an exceptional markter and webinar expert.
Her advice has been able to help her students(some of which i know personally) move from zero to hero with their business
We also once had a conversation and she gave me and advice which I implemented and it brought in a few extra thousands of dollars for my business.
Highly recommend her as the person to learn from

Sir Ronald Nzimora
Great marketing ideas intoxicate me, and Margaret has proven she is getting even more badass at this. She breaks down everything about webinars and makes it so simple to understand, even if you're a NEWBIE. I'lI
eventually hire her to write my own webinars too soon!
Listen to whatever she tells you. It's GOLD!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you do.
Any type that has a good working camera and audio and you can easily connect to the Internet.
YES especially as a newbie.
Immediately you are done with your course and start implementation.
Not more than 1 week but I'll advise you to go through it at least 2 times so that when you start, you get results faster.
At least 500-1000 leads but as a NEWBIE you can start with 200 and above but don't forget, the more leads the more sales.
The link will be sent to you after registration.
You can use either or both.
Grab The Sell Like Crazy Webinar Course Now By Clicking On The Link Below To Start Making Massive Sales using Webinars

Copyright © 2023 Margaret Ododo
All rights reserved